Tropycal RPG engine tutorial

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NEW 1.09 version with a lot of upgrades !

*Player movements speed limited
*Buged weather icon removed from the game map
*Additional players variables var1, var2 ... removed. Use the standard variables functions instead.
*Playable hero tiles now in player folder.
*Maps prefix like d-, n- and z- no more exists, and the engine dont change automatically the map location. Now use the if structure with time actions to change the map to the various weather and time conditions.
*Free scriptable equipments
*The processing is more fast.
*Now the game engine take the files from a zip module automatically
*New colors settings. Now you can change the game colors in the variables.txt.
***Obsolete status_mapname action removed
*Map editor have shortcuts (buttons d, n, r and o) to set a tile in map with the structure to change in day, night, rain and tornado conditions. Press the button again to back to default mode.